skin_ad.png Bonzai ScrollX


Initial design size (w x h) pixels
Mobile 320 x 480 px
Tablet 768 x 960 px
Allowed image formats JPG, GIF, PNG
Max image file size 2 MB
Allowed video format MP4 (Codec: H.264)
Max video file size < 2 MB
Availability Fox Sports
3rd Party tags Bonzai only (can be wrapped in Sizmek or DCM)
Desktop OS Mac OS (10.10, 10.11, 11.0), Windows (7, 8.1, 10)
Mobile OS (web only) iOS 9+, Android 6+
Browsers Chrome versions 59-61, Safari 10+, Firefox 54+ (only on Windows 7,8,10), IE 11 (only on Windows 7,8,10) Native device browser – On Samsung 5.4, video autoplay not supported
Further Notes The ScrollX format is available for Mobile only.
Submission Lead-Time and Delivery
Timeline Creative must be provided a least 5 working days prior to campaign commencement
Late Submissions Any late units may delay launch or affect total campaign delivery