interstitial (Fox Sports Apple News).png Celtra Interscroller


Third Party Ad Banner
Accepted Third Party Vendors Celtra
Recommended background overflow size at least 736x736 pixels
Note You should design your creative with a buffer of 20px on the top and bottom to accommodate for the Notice bars.
Smartphone Portrait: 736x1230 pixels (safe area 640x880) | Landscape: 1280x646 pixels (safe area 960x394)
Tablet Portrait: 1600x2290 pixels (safe area 1536x1780) | Landscape: 2560x1330 pixels (safe area 2048x1248)
Initial File Size 100kb
Max File Size 200kb
Max Polite Load File Size 2MB
Max User Initiated File Size 5MB
Frame Rate (Frames-per-second) 24 FPS
Max Animation or Video Length 30 seconds
Frequency Cap 1 per user per day
Build Templates
Tag Generator Please provide tag generator to the Ad Ops team
*All Interscroller banners must be third-party served by Celtra
Submission Lead-Time and Delivery
Timeline Creative must be provided 5 working days prior to campaign start
Late Submissions Late units may delay launch or affect campaign delivery
Further Notes Files related to alcohol, wagering, competitions and promotions, pharmaceuticals or any material damaging the user experience will be subject to additional review by FM