Accepted Third Party Vendors
Celtra |
Recommended background overflow size
at least 736x736 pixels |
You should design your creative with a buffer of 20px on the top and bottom to accommodate for the Notice bars. |
Portrait: 736x1230 pixels (safe area 640x880) | Landscape: 1280x646 pixels (safe area 960x394) |
Portrait: 1600x2290 pixels (safe area 1536x1780) | Landscape: 2560x1330 pixels (safe area 2048x1248) |
Initial File Size
100kb |
Max File Size
200kb |
Max Polite Load File Size
2MB |
Max User Initiated File Size
5MB |
Frame Rate (Frames-per-second)
24 FPS |
Max Animation or Video Length
30 seconds |
Frequency Cap
1 per user per day |
Build Templates
| |
Tag Generator
Please provide tag generator to the Ad Ops team |
*All Interscroller banners must be third-party served by Celtra |
Creative must be provided 5 working days prior to campaign start |
Late Submissions
Late units may delay launch or affect campaign delivery |
Further Notes
Files related to alcohol, wagering, competitions and promotions, pharmaceuticals or any material damaging the user experience will be subject to additional review by FM |