We are once again proud to support TEDxSydney – a leading platform for the propagation of ideas, creativity and innovation.
As a Major Partner we are gifted presence in the HUB- a place where the 5000+ TEDxSydney attendees come together to meet, network, share ideas and get exposed to new tech, art exhibitions, tastes and concepts.
MCN’s Tribe name, Original Creators, came from our core belief that innovation and fresh ideas are integral when leading the way in our industry.
We are strong at turning ideas into reality, whether they’re ours or someone else’s.
A sneak peek of our exhibition below:
A Thousand Tiny Sparks An exhibition of napkin ideas Even the greatest ideas have humble beginnings. In fact, many start on cocktail napkins. Being huge supporters of original Aussie creators, Foxtel has partnered with acclaimed artist Benja Harney to create a striking exhibition made from hundreds of napkins – covered with first thoughts that have inspired the most iconic film and television around. As you walk among this collection of tiny epiphanies, try to guess which films they inspired.
Then, put your own thought or doodle down on a napkin and add it to the piece to help it grow throughout the day with other TEDxSydney attendees.
“If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.” - Stanley Kubrick
If you’re attending TEDxSydney this year, be sure to stop by our Tribe and say hello!